Tuesday, May 03, 2005

God's confirmation for today...

This was in my inbox just a few minutes ago. Every single day God has done something to confirm in my heart that my life is to be given up to Him. I have never in my life had such an intimate time of walking with Him where I felt like daily we were having this two way conversation, me asking God are you sure, and Him saying Jen keep walking I'm right beside you. It is amazing. I'm struck at this moment in life with how real and immediate the falling face down to the ground when you're in the presence of God must have been. I feel a little like that right now like when He speaks I just want to fall to my knees and bow my heart as low as it can go. These lyrics were in a Kathy Troccoli email that I get every once in a while. Her friend penned them just a few days ago and they resonated within this heart.

There is more than I have already seen.
There is joy beyond an average day.
There is life that pulls me out of my chair
To give until it feels like faith.

And there is hope that knows how greatness can grow
From a seed sown in my cold, timid heart
And a trust that hears your Spirit say, "Go!"
You will let me be your light in the dark.

It’s above and beyond what I thought I could be.

When I give up my fear, when it’s not about me,
When I trust and say yes to your call to press on,
Then I find I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed
Above and beyond.

There’s a story that has yet to unfold
From the glory in the pages of time.
And the Author of the Ages says, "Come!"
So a part of His great work can be mine.

Now I can let some foolish tragedy rule,
Or I can live out God’s eternal delight.
Lord, I give the pen and paper to you.
Write your story on each page of my life.

I have made so many excuses

To avoid the joy of living your life.
Now I can play it safe and stay useless,
Or I can give you my fear
And let you teach me to fly.


Words by Jim Weber.
© Copyright 05-01-05 Desperate Heart Music (ASCAP).All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.

oh so very much ready to learn to fly!! to let go of the ground and soar with Jesus...mmmmm!! let go and lift off!! may He write the story on each page of your life as well!

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