Friday, April 28, 2006

El Salvador...

Well surprise we're in El Salvador, yep it was a surprise to me too. See these two gals that I really didn't know until this week were sent here by God, I am assured of that, and have blessed our socks off this week. Rachael and Kristin came in on the last few days of our teams second week and are here until Monday. Somewhere around the middle of last week their generous hearts decided that they'd treat us to a trip to El Salvador for a fun girl weekend. So the four of us and Fabiola took the bus on Thursday morning early and are headed back tomorrow afternoon.

Yesterday and today we spent the day at this little beach where people go to surf and today we are back in San Salvador staying in a motel tonight and visiting some friends. The beach was amazing. I love it there, it's one of my favorite places in all the world to be. I just can't deny God's kindness when I'm there. Kindness I know it's an odd word, like I should have chosen power or greatness or some word that describes His "hugeness" and I do see those things there, but I think it's His kindness that touches me. It's like He could have made this world anyway that He wanted to, and yet He went to great lengths to make it beautiful so that we would never forget that He was with us, that He was in control, that He loved us. So many things I think He was trying to convey and still reminds us of. I can't look at a sunset without thinking about God's goodness, His creativity, and the fact that He loves us so much that He designed a sunset just for our sheer pleasure. It's the same for me with the ocean, when I hear the waves or I watch the tide I am just at moments overwhelmed with the kindness of the heart of our God.

Today I watched literally for probably an hour this HUGE rock that is sort of out in the middle of the ocean. The waves came in and hit it over and over and over again. It was just this really cool sight as the wave would hit it and it would make a small waterfall over the side and then it would die off and another would come. I sat there and thought about how those two things didn't seem as though they should be able to exist in the same space. The rock and the waves you know. One way steadfast and immovable and the other in constant motion. They seemed to work against each other almost. The water attempting to continue to flow and the rock standing in it's way, slowing down it's progress.

I watched for a while and found myself with a prayer in my heart that I might turn into that rock, that somewhere through the days of this life and the experiences it brings, that God would produce in me a steadfastness and a consistency that doesn't bend or bow no matter how many times the waves hit, and they do hit don't they??!! For so much of my life, and for so many people, we spend so much time ebbing and flowing with whatever comes. I just am at a place where I desire as much as anything else a conviction and dedication to Jesus where my heart stands firm to what He asks me to do no matter what else may be moving all around me.

It was an awesome object lesson as I watched the waves come in today.

Thanks girls for your generous hearts and for being such a blessing!! May God continue to work in and through you and use your hearts for His glory!


PELAN said...

WOW!!!!! Jennifer! I absolutely LOVE reading your blog! I LOVE the way you express what you feel and think. Thank you so much for coming to visit, I am so happy to see you here and hope that I can get to see you tomorrow! I love you very much and you are a wonderfully created and continually redesigned special woman! You inspire me so much and I look up to the strength you posses that helps you stand firm against the waves by His grace!!!
tu amiga salvadoreƱa!!!

Jeff said...

Seriously... ridiculous. I don't know how you ladies handle all the "pressures" of living down there... going to a resort and all. haha. Jokin. Anyway, I'm glad that you guys were able to take this little hiatus this week. Just remember when you go dancing to leave room for the Holy Spirit. lol. Boy, I hope you've heard that before or that might be a little awkward to read.