Thursday, November 23, 2006

And after lunch it was time to decorate the tree. I called my mom today to apologize for making fun of her all those years about getting so excited about Christmas. I didn't know that all it took to get ridiculously excited about Christmas was having kiddo's around. I turned into a crazy lady today as Yovani reminds me. Anyway...thanks to all of you who donated the Christmas tree and the ornaments, you made some little people sooooo happy today!!

It's been a great day. I look into these eyes sometimes and I am beyond touched at the simplicity of their joy and how much we often miss in the clutter. Pillowing my head tonight grateful for the gift of them and how much they are teaching this heart that had no idea how much could be learned from a 3 year much an 8 year old's joy over a Christmas tree could warm deep deep places you forgot existed in your pure and right and good it felt for a little girl's 4 year old arms to wrap around your neck at the end of the day and say thank you for the turkey and the Christmas tree.

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God our Father is indeed this...thank you Father for the honor of being just a part, getting to witness the beauty of this with these eyes and be touched so often by the healing power of love. You are beyond kind!! Posted by Picasa

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