Thursday, January 31, 2008

Spoiled Rotten...

You know every once in a while, God shows us how incredibly spoiled we are and we have the sense to recognize it, and then there are those times in life when He overwhelmingly seems set upon it being in your face in HUGE ways. When your blessings could not be denied if you wanted to try, and where you feel so incredibly small as you run through the record of your spoiledness.

It's a fact, I am a spoiled girl. Sometimes a spoiled brat, I'd like to think most often I'm just a spoiled girl who is learning how better to handle that and share it and be a blessing because of it. I could spend a lot of time listing just the ways I'm aware of that I have been blessed far beyond anything I deserve, but it would leave out soooo many ways I still don't have sense to see, and it would take an awfully long time to list just the ones I do.

God help us. Help us to never believe we have any of this because we've done something to deserve it or because someone came along before us and was able to create for us a land that was entitled to blessings while others weren't. Help us to understand, to really get that You are the giver of every single one of them and you've asked one single thing of us in be a blessing as we have been blessed.

Help us to understand that better every day that we live!!

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