Friday, October 28, 2005

Countdown Over...

Well it's here that day we've talked about and prayed over for so long and later this day I'll ride to Columbus with some dear friends and early early early tomorrow morning I'll board a plane that will take me to a country I've grown to love deep within this heart. It's still sort of feeling surreal in some ways like I keep having to have conversations with myself about the fact that this really is happening and I really am going to go live for a while in another country. I'm sure it will feel real sometime over the next couple weeks as we settle in and things feel very different.

I will continue to covet your prayers as I attempt to transition and walk in a manner worthy of this calling. Please pray for God to steady my heart and my mind over the next few weeks as I'll be homesick at moments I'm sure. Pray that God will continue to remind me how worth it this will be.

I could not have asked for Him to be any kinder over the past few weeks as I have needed to spend time with and say goodbye to people that I love very very much. He has arranged my schedule and my calendar to make that possible in beautiful ways and I will forever be so grateful to Him for that. I am walking away feeling as though the people in my world who matter know it. I've gotten some sweet moments with my family. I've gotten cherished memories with friends. I've gotten some really tender moments with Father. He has been so faithful.

Our legacy is not mediocrity as Beth Moore says. I pray to leave one that's more than mediocre. I'm praying you do too because people the world over are depending upon a Jesus who is worth way more than mediocre. Please Lord help us to do you justice.

Keep praying and I'll update you all when we arrive in the country. Updates will come regularly now from Tegucigalpa Honduras. How cool is that??!!


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