Sunday, April 30, 2006


Am reading a book right now called "The Barbarian Way" and it talks about how the call to follow Christ costs nothing less than everything we have and are. Talks about how we have civilized religion and how we have lost so much of what it means along the way.

Has jumped right in with so many other thoughts that have been stirring around in here and I am finding myself wondering why Christianity has stopped being such a revolutionary topic. When did following Christ stop meaning danger and risks and struggles and when did we turn it into meaning safety and security and a cush life? Just thinking about my own view of what following Christ looks and feels like and I'm wondering if I've not bought into an idea that is far different than anything He told us it would be.

Lord please help me to keep questioning and asking and admitting that I don't get it often and that I'm not it even more often. Help me to remember that this walk with You is static and changes as often as You are willing to grow me into something different and better for the sake of Your cause. Continue to make me over and mold within me a new heart that is sold out to You, whatever that may mean. Teach me how to walk in the footsteps and heartprints of the One who was willing to walk a hill stretch out His hands and take my nails.


Jeff said...

I love the chorus to this song because I think it gives us the simple reason why we do what we do:

"That's why we praise Him. That's why we sing. That's why we offer Him our everything. That's why we bow down, and worship this King. Because He gave His everything."

Unfortunately, I think we get so use to the idea that Jesus "gave it all," we stop realizing what it really means. Maybe that's just me though.

Rachael said...

This is messing me up!...I love it!