Sunday, September 13, 2009

The love of God displayed through a body of Christ's people today, MESSED ME UP!!!

Ever feel that way??? I hope so. I pray that we are becoming better and better at being the hands and feet of Jesus. When people are near us they feel Him and cannot help but notice that we are the temple of God and that His presence, the very love of Christ fills us up and overflows.

I am learning so much about what it means to be an "usher for the kingdom" right now. It's huge. No more feeling insignificant or unimportant because there are people out there who are dying for just one touch from Him and He has asked us to be His agents.

It's time dear ones, let's exude Him as He gives everything He is that we might give everything we are away for the sake of His name.

It's time to change the world, and as crazy as it sounds, God's plan was for us to sign up to be the change agents.

May someone be MESSED UP in all the right ways by the love of Christ flowing from your life today!!
