Sunday, July 09, 2006

A Zephaniah 3 Moment

So I was on baby patrol last night, which basically just means I take the monitor to my room for the night and am in charge of getting up when he gets up. I literally pray on those nights, as horrible as this is, ok God will you PLEASE just let him sleep until 5??!! PLEASE!!!! I can do 5, I can not do 3. I can not do 4. Please God just 5 please. Ok now for those of you who know me, you know God wired a night owl in this body and well let's just say there's a short circuit on the we love mornings fuse. I don't wake up singing. (I don't like people who do :) )

Anyway, but there's this really weird thing happening...ok now let me preface this...when I hear this little cry coming over the monitor I do not always think, "Oh I have a great life, allow me to get out of my bed and rush into greet this little one" No it's usually this stumble all over myself trying to wake up, clammoring to find my keys to get into the other side of the building, growling to myself wondering why in the world he is awake at this hour...but then it happens in the quiet of the night, I see this little face peering up over his crib waiting for "me" to come in and take care of him. There were moments last night when that was an overwhelming thought. He needs "me." Piddly ole me.

So I sit down in that rocking chair and I snuggle his little sweet self and I remind him that I love him and that Jesus loves him and then usually at some point I begin to sing. I Love You Lord has sort of just found it's way into being one of my favorite lullabies. Last night while I was singing (and for those of you have heard me sing you know this is no testimony to my own ability to carry a tune in a bucket...but) the baby had his head rared back just boo hooing and when I started to sing he put his head against my head and put his little ear right up to my mouth while I sang. Thought hmmm he's starting to know this screechy voice and then this thought came...I wonder if this is exactly what the verses are talking about in Zephaniah 3 where it says that "He rejoices over you with singing and will quiet you with His love"

In the dark night moments of my life when in my own ways I want stand in my "crib" wait for Him to come to the rescue and while waiting want to boohoo and wail, I want to remember that sweet that I might remember that even now there's a God in Heaven who is singing and if I just put my ear right up close to Him I'll hear His voice and He will undoubtedly quiet my heart with His love because I know His voice and there's nothing like it.

Bend your ear close, He's singing over you too!!


Kay Grose said...

Isn't it just like Father to give us experiences in such precious ways that mimic His love for us...beautiful analogy, dear one. thanks for sharing! With love and a hug, momma Grose

Lori said...

Enjoy those moments..they are gone oh so fast!

Anonymous said...

thank you my sweet, sweet beloved friend for sharing this tender moment between you and Father. I hear him too! Keep singing your voice is sweet sweet music to his ears.

Anonymous said...

Sister Jen. Thanks for the words and the sharing of that there wonderful heart of yours.