Sunday, November 27, 2005

A True "I Love Honduras" Day....

Well had a day yesterday that my heart so needed. It was a reminder of every reason that I love this country all wrapped up into one statement. I see Jesus' face here. I see Him in every child whose innocent little eyes implore your help. I see Him in mothers trying to provide for their children. I see Him in those we'd term weak and oppressed who rise up with this incredible faith in moments when you are absolutely sure you'd crumble. I see Him in stories of sweet little older lady's just weeping when a house is built for her because she'd watched TORCH teams come all summer and build houses for everyone else and she'd been the one watching and helping and today was her turn for God to show up to build her a home. What an unbelievable feeling and incredible honor to get to say to someone God wanted us to do this. Whether it's giving someone food, a ride down the mountain, or a new home feels really good to be God's ambassadors sent to do His work. I think when we really grasp the weight of the privilege it's infectious.

Let me start with Friday...(I had some sinus ick/cold thing going and was feeling pretty crummy so I stayed in but the story is worth the telling although I had to live it vicariously through friends.) The Kluge's had some family in town and wanted them to have the experience of building a home here. Karen and Jen Arnold and Joe went with them to do that. Some of you may remember me telling you the story about getting to put sandals on the little girls feet this summer in a village we went to called Nuevo Oriental. Her grandmother had taken her all the way down the mountain and cleaned her up before I gave her her new pair of shoes and put them on her precious little feet. I just adored her grandma. She kept kissing my cheek and hugging me and our hearts just connected on the mountain that day. Well Jen and Karen got back and were talking about this older lady they had built a house for today and something in my heart knew it was this lady. She kept saying something to me this summer and I couldn't really understand what she was saying but I know it had to do with needing something. She wasn't begging or tugging on us as some of them do but I remember that day standing beside her as someone was taking our picture and she was as close to me as she could get I remember whispering a prayer that God would provide whatever it was that this sweet lady needed. I'm sure there were hundreds of other people through this summer who met this lady and did the same thing. She had watched so many other houses in her village go up this summer and they were always for someone else. She wasn't chosen. Then today, this Friday, a group of people show up for her. To build her a house that will keep her dry from the rain and out of the wind, with a wood floor that will help keep her from sleeping with the bugs, that she can decorate and call her very own. They said she just cried and cried when it was all finished.

Made me think about that profound moment that you realize with this awe inspiring awareness that you are chosen. That this Jesus thing isn't for everyone around you to enjoy and find peace in. It's for you. You with all your flaws and inconsistencies. You with this deep hole in your heart that you are so hoping something will fill. are chosen to be the object of God's affection.

Then yesterday our friend Katie was coming in from a little weekend trip to Roatan and needed a ride home from the airport and so we were headed down the mountain and on the way we saw this little guy with his hitchiker thumb in the air. (Now let me preface this by saying that we do not pick up hitchhiker's here for any of you who by now are thinking oh dear please tell me they are not putting themselves in danger....WE'RE NOT) but he looked to be about 6 years old and I felt that nudge you know that one that says you'd regret it if you didn't go back and do what you knew you needed to do. So ole "Grace", the name we have lovingly selected for our van, turned around in the nearest spot and went back to get this little guy. When we went back there was not one now but two. His little brother was with him who looked like he was maybe 4. Oh they were CUTE as could be. So we motioned for them to get into the car and asked where they were going and they said "abajo" which means they wanted to go down the mountain. They sat in the back seat of the fan all huddled up together like they were scared to death of these gringa's who had given them a ride. Karen and Jen started talking to them and the little one got so tickled at Karen's spanish and just started cracking up and it was the sweetest sound. We laughed most of the way down the mountain and when we dropped them off they kept saying over and over, gracias gracias. Sweet moment #1.

Then we needed to go to the Mailboxes Etc. in town and grabbed Wendy's before that for lunch. Sitting outside before we went in was this grandmother and her grandson sitting on the steps selling handtowels. They looked like the kind you get at Dollar General for a buck. So we bought her handtowels and got the privilege of buying a Combo #1 BIGGIE SIZE and a Kids Meal with the cool toy to take outside to them for lunch. I took it out and the grandma just kept putting her hand on my cheek and with tears in her eyes was saying oh Dios Dios Dios le bendiga le bendiga. Which means God bless you. I sat there for a minute and talked with her in my limited Spanish and we got out the fact that her name is Lola, that God loved her, and that she was thankful. More than enough for one precious conversation.

It was an I love this place day truly. Probably mostly because I was reminded today of the humbling purpose God has in us being here. To be His ambassadors in this world who go out with servant hearts looking for ways to make Him recognizable to the world. And my heart says ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! :)

Be blessed as you are a blessing!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I loved getting to visit. You guys are in my prayers!