Friday, January 05, 2007

Being A Momma...

So getting ready to pillow our heads last night and it's almost calm in this house, (which happens to be a rare thing with 10 little ones full go most of the day) and I'll be honest I'm looking forward to some quiet in the apartment before bed because Dilcia was here last night, and I'm laying in bed with Francisco and talking with the boys and we're goofing and laughing a little bit before bed, (which happens to be some of my favorite times of the day cause they're way tender before bed and some of the neatest conversations happen then), but Marvin leans down over his bunk to give me a goofy face and slips right off the top bunk onto his head. Didn't have any time to catch himself with anything else, no arms, no knees, only his head and it split wide open. Now let me just remind any of you who may not know, I am the queen of the weak stomach, I have children all around and blood is spewing everywhere, AND LOTS OF IT, never witnessed a head wound up close, but for any of you who may need to know in the future, they bleed ALOT!!! Am scared to death and yet required to remain calm, because if I don't who will, and so we gather him up put a towel on his head, Carlos is my happy helper these days and so we're off to the ER yet again (we are starting to become first name basis friends at that place.)

This is all new territory you know cause I'm now having to watch kiddo's I love like my own hurt and I am NO GOOD at it, I must confess. When the doctor stuck the needle for the anesthesia into his wound last night I thought oh dear no see momma's should never have to watch this. Then they scrubbed it, oh well you all know what they do, and then put those stitches in his little head and I stood there and thought, I have no idea how God ever did it. Watched His Son be hurt and not just hurt but humiliated while being hurt by people who wanted to hurt Him. It was a needle and some stitches last night and I wanted to bawl. Some nails and hatefulness would have been unbearable and yet He endured it for me. I was so humbled by that as I stood beside that bed last night watching this little guy be sutured up.

He seems to be doing just fine today, and as soon as he woke up this morning wanted to go find his brother Yovani, because he was afraid he might be crying because he was worried about him. Have I mentioned lately how much I love doing life with these kiddo's?? (Not so much the bleeding falling out of bed parts...but I love most parts to the depths of this heart)

Would appreciate your prayers of protection over this place, should have thought about how much children under 10 get hurt and get sick. :):):)

Blessings on your day!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Give that little guy a bg smooch from Tio and Tia. I am sure he was a brave little guy...and will probably visit the ER again and again :)