Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Easter is always a time for celebration, but when the celebration occurs with 30 children at Didasko Children's Home outside Tegucigalpa, Honduras it is a celebration to remember!

Our team was blessed by a time of sweet worship with the children at Didasko and let me tell you, when their little voices lift praises in song and prayer it is a precious sound. Following worship, our team kicked into gear preparing food for 90, hid 100's of Easter eggs and had a blast with relay races. When scripture says that Jesus insisted the little children be allowed to come to Him, it is no wonder...there is something sacred about spending the day delighting in the laughter of children. Glory!

The team is still recuperating from the aches and pains of our first building day yesterday but no injuries, thank You, Lord! Tonight, 2 dear families will slumber in new homes with the smell of fresh lumber and the memory of a bunch of Americans pounding nails in the name of Jesus. One family's story is so very touching and we will relay that another night. For tonight, we need you to know that tomorrow we are going to the dump and we would cherish your prayers for our hearts and the ones of those who live there.


Sarajane said...

Look at my man winning that sack race!!!! And our Kylie bug sitting with all those children praising Father- BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

maggie said...

daddy and kylie you guys look so happy there. i miss you a whole bunch. love you so very much.

eva said...

Hello dear friends,
How wonderful to see so many dear, familiar faces. Hillary, I'm sure you are touching many children's lives with your beautiful smile and heart. Keep up the great work!
Isn't it a great feeling knowing you are being God's hands and heart to these people?
Miss you all so much!
God Bless!