Monday, April 20, 2009

We're home, most of us are anyway, the rest fly in today. Why does it seem like there is less holding me here these days and more bidding me come back there? God's voice is gentle but urgent..."feed my sheep."

You will get Jen's sweet words back after this posting. She was kind and allowed her Momma Grose (and thanks to Poppa Grose for writing Thursday's post) the space on here this week to share some stories of what our eyes saw, our ears heard, our nostrils smelled, our hands touched and visions of desperation that drilled their way into the most protected places in our very souls.

I had such good intentions of detailed blogs every night so you could share it all but honestly, there were nights when I had no words. It was almost as if God was saying to me, "child, don't you get those fingers typing just so you can fulfill an obligation to write unless you work out inside your heart what you are going to do with all of this except just talk about it. Your words are cheaper than the most filthy rag of a shirt you saw on any man here unless they move your hands and heart to action."

I still don't know what to do about it all. Rick and I muddled it all over on the 2 hour ride home from the airport and awoke to start the conversations all over again today. I'm in the middle of reading Claiborne's book, "Irresistible Revolution" and I know it's not just a coincidence that I'm reading such a poignant book while in the middle of experiencing the heart-crushing scenes of the last 10 days.

Our trip ended with a sacred moment Saturday night with a baptism but it is God's story to tell thru Jen so please watch for that.

Please go and see, dear ones. Keep writing your checks and providing support but please don't allow yourselves to be satisfied with sending only. Go and see what the Lord has planned for you to do in His Kingdom. Go and touch their faces, rub lotion into their calloused feet, sit with them inside their brand new one room "mansion, hear them tell you their stories of God's faithfulness, because no words of my own will ever tell you the sacred story that is lived out in their lives.

Blessings on you all. Thank you for joining us in the journey. May we all continue to seek His face and strive to live by the rules of His kingdom, elevating the things He elevates and throwing away as rubbish those things that are unimportant in a Jesus sort of kingdom. Our eyes have seen and our hearts have felt this week how freed up a heart becomes when you sell out to living His way. Lord help us learn to live that way in our eating and breathing going about everyday lives.

To you be all the glory for anything that has been done, may we accept none of the glory you are due...

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