Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Freedom Most Often Requires A War

The beginning of last month a group that I have met with for the past couple years started a study entitled Breaking Free. If you've read anything else I've posted on here I've mentioned it a few times. It's been so good in so many ways, but this week in particular you could go around our 8 gal circle and identify something in most all of our lives that we feel beaten by in no uncertain terms. Not beaten as if to say we've lost or are losing but beaten as if to say weary and worn from the fight. I'm not signifying a bad day or a hurting moment, I'm talking about prayers for children and husbands and things that are deep and hard.

It made me think that as we are praying and begging God to free us it only makes sense that Satan would wage a war. Thought about all the times we have gained freedom either in this country or in areas of our personal lives or whatever it may be and I can't think of a single time when freedom was gained without a war to accomplish it. It is well worth the fight, but it doesn't make the battle any less brutal or bloody.

So we're finding ourselves in a war trusting God to bring victory and lead us to freedom. In the meantime please pray for my sweet sisters who are fighting to endure the battle for themselves and those they love. Thank You Lord for fighting our battles for us. Help us hang on with both fists to that promise.

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