Monday, January 16, 2006

Save Some For Later...

Well this scene has become one of our favorites. This is our Lunch Club. Santa Ana is a very small community and one where there aren't many restaurants. We've found this small little family owned chicken and papusa place though, that we frequent most every day when we're out there working. I don't love the papusa's, I'll be very honest, the chicken is GREAT but eating it sometimes makes me super nervous, but hey if I'm gonna go Honduran then I need the whole experience right??!!

We always take the kids to lunch with us too which is reason enough to eat lunch out there as opposed to anywhere else. They teach me about God every time I'm around them. The owner of the restaurant loves it when we come too because she can count on at least 10 pieces of chicken and a dozen papusas and it's a happy day in her world! :)

You've heard me say before that sometimes you forget. I mean these kids and their parents are my buddies now. They're just a part of everyday life. I love them so much. So there are moments when life just seems way normal with them around. Even in a little restaurant where they serve pollo and papusas that looks far different than any restaurant we've ever been in before! Sometimes it sorta seems like we all live in the same place. And if we're talking about geographically we do, but in so many ways we don't.

Something happens and you remember the tremendous gap between your life and theirs. See I sat down to lunch and I ordered a piece of chicken and I ate the entire thing. I ate some papas fritas (french fries) too and I drank all of my Coke. My tummy was full and lunch was good. Then I looked to my left and down toward the end of the table and I saw these sweet little boys taking their napkin and wrapping half of their chicken up in a napkin and sticking it in their shirt pocket. I saw this sweet momma of those boys doing the same with her napkin and asking the waitress for a bag to take it home. Sometimes my heart just gets yanked so hard by ordinary moments when God reaches down and is patient enough to open my eyes yet again.

When you live a life of daily dependence without some stocked away for later, you eat some and you save half because you're not sure where your next meal is coming from. You learn that young and you live that way. So I watched little boys who probably wanted to tear into that chicken and eat another piece eat half and save half while I didn't give a second thought to whether I needed to save a single bite. The bones were bare on my piece of chicken.

You ever spent a day wondering where your next meal might come from? No me either. It's in those moments that I am so aware that we don't live in the same place. I live in a world where I have never feared going without. I live in a world where I take things for granted because at moments they've come far too easily. I live in a world where I get to eat ALL my chicken!

Most importantly, I live in a world where I have blessings too numerous to count that God is offering me the privilege to share. It is a privilege. Posted by Picasa

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