Friday, July 01, 2005

His Glory

Am working through a Beth Moore workbook right now entitled Breaking Free. I highly recommend it but sssshhhh don't tell my bible study girls because I gave them such a hard time about not wanting to do this really intense study. It's sort of like having your soul exposed in front of everyone. So in my ocd kind of way I decided I was going to work through the book before I went through it with all of them to see what I was in for. That was completely God allowing me the opportunity to do it more than once. It is amazing and the beauty of it is that regardless of whether you share much of it with anyone else or not, you stand exposed before God which is an absolutely beautiful experience. The subtitle of the book is "Making Liberty in Christ a Reality in Life." That speaks to me cause I want the whole deal. I don't want bits and pieces of the life He's planned and I don't want to walk half shackled through the rest of it. I want Him to take those shackles off my feet so I can dance. (Ok so maybe the dancing might have to wait until Heaven with my feet but I want my soul to dance)

Anyway, I say all that to share this snippet with you from the lesson I did today. She was talking about one of our benefits of the Christian life is to glorify God. Now while that has always sounded really nice and has become a part of our "Christianese" I never had really sat down to pick apart the term "glory." Here's what I learned today based on scripture references all over the place. God's glory is the way He chooses to make Himself recognizable to the world. Then in Isaiah it says those who were called by name were created for His glory.

I, Jennifer Lynn Wright, was created to make Him recognizable to the world. Wow that pierced my heart today. For the rest of my life, my job description, the one thing He created me to do was to make Him recognizable to the world. So whatever I eat or whatever I drink or whatever I do I shall do my best to do it all for the glory of God. It just increases the importance of everything.

I'm learning, thank you God that you continue to teach us. May we each take to heart our privilege in making you known to this world. That you would choose to risk your name on this life is a humbling, tear jerking, terrific honor. I love you so much!

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